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How To Transition From Fake to Your Natural Lashes

If you’ve ever had fake lashes before, you know the pain that comes with taking them off. You immediately go from glamazon to naked mole rat. And let’s just be honest, that isn’t fun for anyone. Maybe it’s just me, but the utter shock of what I look like when my fake lashes are taken off….yikes. Okay, maybe a little dramatic, but based off all the DMs I’ve gotten about on this topic, I think it’s safe to say I’m not the only one that feels that way!

I originally had my lashes taken off about 6 months ago because I just wanted to give my lashes a break. Plus, I wanted to experiment with makeup a little more, and TBH I never wanted to do my eye makeup when I had fake lashes (you can wear eye makeup with false lashes but I just liked to keep mine “cleaner” and not mess with them as much). Now that 6 months has passed, I plan on trying the fake lashes again soon for the pure convenience of them but I have been surprised at how much I like my natural lashes! With that said, I wanted to give a few tips to make the transition from fake to your real lashes because it really doesn’t have to be that painful 😉

The first few recs I have are serums, the easiest way to apply any of these is with a clean mascara wand.

Use coconut, vitamin E or olive oil for lash moisture. Using various oil can help keep your lashes healthier by conditioning them and adding in moisture. When your lashes are healthier, they will overall be stronger which can help with the growth process.

Use a lash serum and/or castor oil for lash growth. For actual lash growth, there are a ton of lash serums that can help with this. I’ve personally used Lash Boost by Rodan & Fields and I noticed a big difference in my lash length. I’ve also heard good things about Latisse, and Grande Lash. You need to find a R&D consultant to order Lash Boost (I used, Erica, you can just DM her and I’m sure she’d be happy to get you set up!) and you need a prescription for Latisse (you can use Racquel, she’s great!), but Grande Lash you can just order online.

Play around with eye makeup. This is something I started doing a lot more of when I got my fake lashes off, and you can definitely give your eyes a more defined look when you’re adding in different liners and shadows. I also feel like this takes away from the shorter lashes, since there is something else to focus on. Some of my favorite mascaras for volume and length are Tarte Maneater, Loreal Voluminous Lashes, and Too Faced Better Than Sex. I also love this eyeshadow palette –great for everyday colors, and works well if you want to go for a more glam look for a night out.

Look into a lash lift or lash tint. One thing I noticed when I first got my fake lashes off is that my lashes were really flat and straight. Looking back, I definitely should have looked into getting a lash lift. A lash lift is semi-permanent lash lift and curl and can make a really big difference in opening up your eyes and helping your lashes appear longer. You can still wear mascara with this for added definition. Another option is a lash tint, which will help darken your lashes and make them appear fuller. So you can imagine if you combined these two, your natural lashes will be looking ah-mazing!

Embrace the natural look. Okay, I know this probably isn’t the best advice, but I think there is something to be said for this! There is something to be said about natural beauty–like sometimes I’d look back at my fake lashes and think, I kind of like the natural look some days! I wish I could just switch back and forth at a moments notice lol but sadly that isn’t the case. So why not look for the upside when you have the natural look?!

Any other tips? Let me know if you try any of these and if they help! xxC

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