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Naming and Branding a New Business: Part II

So in my last post, we talked about the importance of/what to consider when naming and branding a new business. If you missed part I where we dived into the significance behind a name and how to come up with one, start here. Then come back and read this post!

When it comes to branding, I think this is a crucial part of your business and worth investing in. Your branding is going to be people’s first impression of your business. You may have a great product but if people are immediately turned off by the aesthetics of your brand, they may never go as far to try your product. Aside from the aesthetics, your brand story is also what people will resonate with. Establishing a connection with your audience is so important – people buy and support from brands they connect with. Again, you could have a great product but if you’re audience doesn’t feel like you “get” them or are speaking to them, it’s going to be much harder to attract them as customers and supporters!

That being said, one thing I learned with Parry is that the brand isn’t a personal reflection of me (like with Claire Guentz) so the branding isn’t necessarily what *I* like. For my personal brand, I prefer neutral colors overall. With Parry though, I didn’t feel like just using neutrals was fitting. Obviously we had a designer (Duende) guide this part of the business, but I realized that I needed to keep an open mind and choose branding that resonated with Parry and our target market vs. what I would choose for my personal brand. That being said, just keep an open mind and try to really consider what is fitting for the business/brand as a whole instead of just your personal preference. And just so we’re clear lol, I ended up being obsessed with the branding for Parry. Would I have chosen pops of neon for “Claire Guentz” – probably not. But does it work for Parry and do I love it for that brand, absolutely.

The last thing that I would say in terms of branding (and naming) is you want a name and brand that can grow with you. The brand will likely evolve and change over time, but you don’t want to pick anything too trendy or something that can’t grow with your brand or customers. You don’t want a name and brand colors that you’ll be sick of a year later.

Hopefully this blog and my previous one helped you in terms of somethings to consider when it comes to naming and branding for your business. If you can add anything please comment below!

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