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7 Things to Consider If You’re Thinking of Moving to a New City

So I thought this blog post seemed relevant considering what Stephen and I are going through right now. If you’ve been following along with my content for the last several months, you probably know that we were considering moving from Raleigh and then decided to put a pause on things (more on that in this other blog). But if you’ve been continuing to follow along, you know that we are currently in Denver, CO and that potential move is back on the table. So figured today I’d share more about the things we’ve considered when moving to a new city. If you’re someone who has been debating a move as well (now or in the future), hopefully this will give you good things to think about so you can help determine if a move is right for you!

Here are all the things that we’ve thought of and in no particular order as I know that everyone prioritizes things differently.

Cost of living – Clearly cost of living is a huge one. As my dad always says, doesn’t do you any good to live in a certain city if the only thing you can afford to do is take a walk LOL. But really, obviously cost of living is a big thing to consider. Are you planning to rent or buy? What will your rent/mortgage be like? Are restaurants more expensive? Is there public transportation or will you need a car? Will you be making your current income if you move or will your salary increase (with living in a more expensive city)? What are taxes like? (This is something we looked into more with being small business owners). Of course this isn’t to say you shouldn’t move to a city that is more expensive, (typically) certain cities are more expensive for a reason and everything has it’s trade offs. But just something to consider – can you afford it (even if that means budgeting differently) and is it worth the extra expense. That is something only you can know personally!

Weather – IMO, weather plays a huge role in deciding where you want to be. I mean, I could not live somewhere that is cloudy/overcast majority of the time because I feel like seasonal depression is a real thing! Like the cold doesn’t really bother me, but I need the sun. So things to think of – Do you like the seasons or would you prefer it to be warmer year round? Do you like a more humid or dry climate? Do you want somewhere with snow or would that just be a pain to deal with?

Things to do – This is dependent on what you like to do obviously but here are some examples: What weekend getaways are close by? Can you drive to places you enjoy or do you have to fly? Do they have a professional sports team? If you like being outdoors – are there parks you can go to, hikes you would enjoy? Are there things going on in the community? What do people typically do on the weekends? Are there museums and/or exhibits the you would take advantage of?

Culture – When I think of culture I think – what is the overall “vibe” of the city as a whole? Progressive? More traditional? Liberal? Conservative? Are families predominantly moving there vs. “young” professionals vs. entrepreneurs (or is it a mix)? Is it more chill/laid back or is “status” more prevalent? Are majority of people (more) religious? Are people active/is their health a priority? Are there good fitness options regarding classes and gyms?

Political Climate – This kind of ties into culture but something that (for me) is definitely important. I don’t think it’s a secret that I lean more liberal in most ways and that isn’t to say that I don’t want to/can’t be around people who are conservative lol. But at the same time, I want to be in a city that is more progressive and more liberally socially – it would be harder for me to be in an environment that was much more conservative in those ways. 

Proximity to Family – I’ll speak for Stephen and I when I say that of course we would like be/stay closer to family, however, it’s not going to be the deciding factor regarding moving. Yes, that is a pro of being in a certain place but when it feels like one of the only pros to a certain location it’s hard to justify living there (for us personally). This may be more of a factor if you have kids and need help with childcare, or if you have a stricter schedule and don’t have the flexibility to fly home as often, etc. 

Restaurants/Coffee – So this is a big one for us because we are big foodies and coffee snobs lol. But for us, we really care about having options and variety when it comes to this. I know Raleigh isn’t a small town by any means, but compared to bigger cities we do feel like it lacks some in this area. 

At the end the day, all of these things are very personal and really depend on what is important to you. But I think they are all good things to think about before moving to a new city. It gives you a better compressive idea of what that new city offers and how it weighs against your current place of living! Anything else you can add? xx

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