So, I titled this post “update” because earlier this year, I wrote a post that shared my story of when and why I started to experience anxiety and what I did to help manage it. Recently though when I’ve done my Q&As on stories, several of you have asked if I ever experience anxiety and so I just wanted to have another transparent conversation here. I know that this year especially has been heavy and stressful for a lot of people, and so I hope that in opening up more about my anxiety here and what I find helps, will not only help you feel less alone but can also give you some tools to help manage it!
Like I’ve said before, even though I have a medical background as a RN, I’m obviously no psychiatrist or psychologist, so I can’t necessarily give you medical advice! However, I can share some things that have worked for me in helping manage the anxiety (I’ve felt). I will say though, if you are truly suffering from something like anxiety, please find a professional to talk to! I think therapy can really be life changing and there is no shame in going.
Some of you may know that my anxiety originally started after fainting and fracturing my jaw. My previous blog post goes into all the details but in a nutshell I had never experienced anxiety before, and after that incident I started to have these anxiety attacks. I think subconsciously I was worried about fainting again and going through another traumatic incident. The chances of something like that happening again were extremely rare, but that’s the thing about anxiety, it’s usually not rational. Even though I knew it was unlikely to happen again, the feeling of anxiety around it was relentless.
As I shared in my previous blog, while my anxiety attacks subsided after my fall, I still noticed that over time I’d have moments of anxiety that would just linger during the day. This is when I first tried CBD from Equilibria (EQ) as I wanted to find a way to release some of that underlying anxiety. I’ve been taking EQ since last December (I can’t believe it’s already been almost a year!), and I can honestly say that it’s really helped keep my anxiety at bay. Aside from my fall, this year has been tough in a lot of ways, and I’ve found that having resources like EQ have been really helpful. They have really expanded their range of products since I first tried them to CBD mineral soaks, to creams. But I have to say that their original products like their soft gels and oil are my favorite (I am also now low key obsessed with their CBD facial oil). If I could only choose one product though, I would choose the oil (comes in unflavored and mint). It helps me sleep at night (I never wake up groggy), and I can use it during the day for more of an “instant” relief if I’m feeling more anxious or stressed than normal. They also have some amazing limited edition holiday flavors, spiced bergamot and cranberry elderflower, out now too! (the code claireguentz will also get you a discount on any of EQ’s products).

I initially chose EQ because they are a women-owned, premium, full-spectrum CBD brand. Not all CBD is created equal, and one of the things I learned is that full-spectrum CBD is actually more effective than broad-spectrum which is something to consider. Full-spectrum CBD has trace levels of THC (less than .3%, so no, you will not feel “high” lol) which means that it has a greater affinity towards our stress receptors –aka your CBD will work more effectively 🙂 I also loved that EQ had a 1:1 call with a personal dosage consultant after purchasing. This really helped me understand more about how CBD works in the body, and what dose would be best for me and my goals.
Aside from CBD, there have been other things that I’ve found to be helpful when the anxiety still creeps in. Honestly, the biggest thing is mindset. I know anxiety isn’t always rational but if I’m out somewhere for example and I feel like I’m going to faint, or my mind starts to feel anxious for seemingly no reason; I stop, take deep breaths and tell myself “it’s okay, nothing is going to happen, it’s just in your head.” That may sound silly but when you stop and recenter yourself and actually try to control your thoughts vs. letting them run rampant, it helps. Here are also some other things that I find to be helpful:
-Escape in a good book. You guys know I love my psychological thrillers, and trust me, you’ll be so wrapped up in these that you won’t have time to worry about anything else! Lol
-Pour a glass of wine or make some hot tea. I literally use my electric kettle 3x a day.
-Do a hair mask or face mask.
-Take a hot shower or bath.
-Write down or say aloud 3 things you’re grateful for (this usually helps put things into perspective).
-Meditate. I love using the Headspace app.
-Binge your favorite reality tv show and take some time to just disconnect!
Overall, my anxiety is nowhere near where it used to be, but we’re all human and it’s normal to feel anxious and stressed at times, especially this year. I hope that this blog made you realize that you are not alone and also gave you some tactics to try. Thank you to Equilibria for sponsoring this post, and as always you guys can use code claireguentz for a 15% off their products 🙂

As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailments or disease. As always, consult with your physician before starting any new program that may interact with your current health plan.
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