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My Dermaplaning Experience

Hey guys! So today I wanted to recap my experience with dermaplaning! It’s been something that I wanted to do for a while now, and I finally went and got it done so wanted to share my experience and overall thoughts.

If you’re not familiar with dermaplaning, it’s a skin treatment where an aesthetician essentially removes the peach fuzz and dead skin off your face with a scalpel. It results in your skin looking and feeling much smoother, brighter, and can also help with fine lines, acne scars, wrinkles, sun damage, etc.

For anyone in the area, I went to Arch & Edge (feel free to use my name as a referral and get 10% off any services that they offer) and saw Amy. We did the dermaplaning in addition to an enzyme peel. You can just get the dermaplaning by itself or you can add it on to any facial or peel. The enzyme peel was really gentle and Amy was saying it’s great for any skin type. As far as the dermaplaning goes, I’m going to answer some of your FAQ below!

-How long does it take? Dermaplaning alone takes about an hour, but since I added on the enzyme peel my whole appointment was an hour and a half.

-How much does it cost? (At Arch & Edge) it is $115 for the dermaplaning and an aftercare kit. If you decide to get a facial or peel though, you can add on dermaplaning for $50 (so it was $150 for the dermaplaning and enzyme peel).

-Is there any downtime required? Nope! Well, they said not to wear makeup for 24 hours (48 hours is even better) so if you consider that “downtime” then I guess there is a little lol. But the only “side effect” I experienced was dryer skin (which is normal), but in general it’s known to be a gentle procedure that doesn’t require any downtime. This was my face (no makeup, no filter) the day after I had it done. I naturally have a little bit of redness to my face, but overall I felt like afterwards my skin looked and felt super smooth, more even, and had more of a “glow” to it.

Have you seen improvements in texture after just the one treatment? Regarding texture, yes! The scalpel immediately removes any peach fuzz (all the fine hairs) and any dead skin so your skin looks (and feels) different right away. My skin looked and felt smoother and overall more even. I also felt like it looked brighter without makeup afterwards as well. And when applying makeup I noticed a difference right away too. My makeup (foundation) went on smoother and felt like it overall “sat” nicer on my skin. With the fine lines, it’s not like botox where your wrinkles almost disappear immediately. It’s one of those treatments (like with facials) where overtime it can help in certain skin departments.

How often is it recommended you get it? Most people can get it once every 4 weeks or so. Like with botox and wrinkles, your peach fuzz will grow back and your dead skin will reaccumulate so you you have to go consistently. However, if you decide to go less frequently or stop all together, there aren’t any “negative” side effects (see next question). Arch & Edge was saying even though you can do it monthly, a lot of girls may do it every 3 months or so with a facial.

Does hair (peach fuzz) grow back thicker or darker? Nope! This was a question a few of y’all DM’d me about and I had never heard of this being an issue but I reached back out to Amy to clarify. The hair does not grow back thicker or darker. She said this is a common misconception when it comes to dermaplaning and waxing. So like with botox, your wrinkles don’t come back deeper in between sessions, or if you stop all together, but they just reappear as they were before.

Before dermaplaning with makeup. You can see the fine hairs on my chin and upper lip. I also have a darker spot underneath (my) right eye.
48 hours after dermaplaning with makeup. You can also see under (my) right eye, that the darker spot is much less noticeable (I can’t even really see it) after dermaplaning. I also feel like my forehead looks much more even. And no peach fuzz!

Here are some other close up photos a little over a week after dermaplaning (with makeup).

Let me know if y’all have any other questions! And you can always use my name as a referral for 10% off Arch & Edge (they do lash lifts, tints, facials, peels, brow lamination, etc).

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