So I’ve never made a vision board up until this year. I was seeing one of my friends the other day though and she was showing me the vision board she made last February. And I kid you not the main things she had on her board literally all came true, and they weren’t even things she had started/were in the works when she made her vision board. She literally manifested that sh*t.
Okay, so while I know it’s not that easy, I do feel like writing down your goals and envisioning them is so powerful, and not to mention motivating. In the past, I’ve set goals but I have to admit that I rarely set super specific ones, and definitely not to the extent of putting them all down somewhere like a vision board. So! This year I decided to change that.
So I feel like there are two main ways to do a vision board – you can go the old fashioned route and create one from magazine clippings or you can create a digital one (I used Canva, but I know people also use pic monkey). I first went to Target to pick up magazines (before even realizing I could do a digital one for free lol), but apparently no one really sells magazines anymore?! Which isn’t too surprising, but needless to say it was a sad selection. So I ended up creating one on Canva which was 1. free 2. I could get really specific on the photos/images I picked (I got all these from Pinterest) and 3. I could make it my phone and desktop background so I could see it daily. The other nice thing about Canva is that you can perfectly size it to fit your phone home screen with their resize tool. Anyway! Here’s what mine turned out as (I just blurred out the numbers because they aren’t really important to anyone else but me).

As you can see, some of the goals I wrote down where more specific with numbers and other things were like Stephen, faith, travel, etc. Those are things that I just know I want to continue to make a priority, or improve on in some way so having them there in general in just a good reminder. Even if they aren’t super specific or “SMART” goals, they are themes/things to remind me of what I want my life to look like overall.
All that to say, if you’ve never made a vision board before or haven’t for this year, I really encourage it! It was actually fun to make and put together, but also made me realize and get clear on what I really want out of life, at least for this year. If you make one, you should share it on IG and tag me, or just DM it to me. I’d love to see yours!
Ps. For all of you who asked me on stories “NYC apartment?!” in case you missed it, here is the deal! Basically Stephen and I want to rent an apartment out for a longer stay up there this summer so we an experience/test out NYC for longer than just a quick vacation. So that is what the NYC apartment is. Also, this blog will explain more on this topic!
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