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How To Have A Million-Dollar Morning (Routine)

So, I stole this “title” from one of Mel Robbin’s podcast episodes but who doesn’t want to have a morning routine that makes them feel like a million dollars? And I’d also argue, in order to also work towards actually being a millionaire – so much of it comes down to your habits, routines, and mindset. So I’d argue that having a “million-dollar” morning (routine) really applies to all aspects.

Let me start by saying, I was not a morning person until recently when I started incorporating certain habits (which we will get into shortly). So if you’re someone that does not thrive in the mornings, I can relate. That to say, if I can make these changes and start having million-dollar mornings, you can too.

Now before I dive into some of the changes I’ve made, I should start by saying that a “successful” morning routine does not need to be one where you wake up at 5 am, drink green juice, meditate, etc. I mean, if you want to do those things then great but that is not what this post is about. Far from it. So here are some (mostly new) habits I’ve started doing that have massively improved my mornings – not only from an efficiency standpoint but also regarding my mindset and mood for the entire day. Ps. The majority of these are tips from this Mel Robbins podcast so not claiming for them to be my own ideas and if you want an even deeper dive into this topic, it’s a great episode to listen to.

-First and foremost, know how long it actually takes you to get ready for bed and how many hours of sleep is ideal for you. I know by the time I get off the sofa to the time I’m in bed it takes about an hour. Knowing this, start getting ready for bed around 9 pm so I can be in bed by 10 pm. I operate best with 8 hours of sleep, so I know if I’m getting up around 6:15 then I need to be in bed/asleep around 10 pm.

-Don’t hit the snooze button. I used to be notorious for hitting the snooze button. I would either set my alarm for like 30 minutes before I wanted to get up and just hit snooze several times, or just hit snooze even if I meant to get up at that exact time. I was listening to that @melrobbins podcast and she was saying when you hit snooze literally the first thing you’re doing to start your day is procrastinating. Honestly, that’s all I needed to hear and was like – I don’t want to start my day that way.

-On that note, if you have trouble getting out of bed when your alarm first goes off, another thing Mel Robbins talks about is the 5 second rule. Basically, whenever you’re procrastinating on an action, you count down from 5 and once you reach 1 you do “X” action. In this case, getting out of bed. Another thing that is helpful is to not look at your phone. So often (at least for me) if I didn’t hit the snooze button, I would roll over and just start scrolling social media wasting I don’t know how much time. So if you’re not looking at your phone you’ll probably get pretty bored starting at the ceiling 😉

-That being said. Stay off your phone in general when you initially wake up. If you’re using it to do a meditation, an online workout, to listen to a podcast then that’s totally fine. But your mornings will be a lot more efficient (and honestly probably enjoyable lol) if you focus on you and your sh*t first thing vs. flooding your brain with social media, texts, etc.

-Have a reason to get up. So this could mean a few things – it could be something you look forward to, like your quiet/alone time in the mornings, your favorite coffee, or in my case, I’ve been going to a 7am workout class with a friend. Things like this can help you look forward to your mornings, hold you accountable or both!

-Last but certainly not least. Make your bed. This is something I always do – whether I’m at home, in a hotel, or at a family/friend’s house. It helps set the tone for the day by accomplishing something first thing when you wake up. It may not seem big, but it is similar to the procrastination/snooze button. All of the little things you do throughout the day (especially first thing in the morning) set a precedent for the day.

Hope some of these tips helped! I know I shared a lot, but you can start by implementing just a couple at a time and even that will make a difference xx

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