Outfit from Fit Atelier by Alala (code CLAIREG10). Backpack from Solo New York. Sneakers from ECCO.
For years I would just go to the gym and do weights and the occasional cardio session. That was great for a while–I loved it! But earlier this year, I was definitely getting bored of the same routine. I became really hard for me to get to the gym. And while I know that you can’t always rely on motivation, I needed to do something to mix things up and get excited about working out again. I ended up signing up for class pass as I figured this was a good way to try a bunch of classes in the area. I’ve continued using it ever since as having the variety has really helped keep me consistent and actually enjoy my workouts. Here are some of my favorites that I’ve tried!
Pure Barre This is a workout that I did fairly consistently like 10 years ago LOL. Okay, I don’t know if it was that long ago but you get the point! I started going when it was still relatively new, and then stopped going because of my schedule, the cost, etc. I also remember thinking that I wouldn’t like to do only this workout because I didn’t feel like it would change my body that much. Well, I take all that back! I’ve been going to the Pure Barre classes and I have really been loving them. The workouts are really fun, but also challenging. While I do like the classic classes, I especially like the empower and reform classes–I honestly find them a little more enjoyable and more effective. Empower has a little more of a cardio component, and uses arm weights, ankle weights and a (6”) step up platform. Reform has components of the classic plus lower and upper resistance bands plus sliders.
Barre 3 When I first heard of Barre 3 I thought it was similar to Pure Barre–wrong! Barre 3 does have bar components but it has a lot more cardio and free weights. I wouldn’t call it a cardio-dance class but I feel like overall there is definitely more movement between resistance exercises/movements, free weights, barre work and ab work. If I had to pick one workout class to consistently do it would probably be this one. It’s a really well-rounded class, it’s fun, and you sweat a ton!
F45 I had heard really great things about this workout, and I can see why! The workouts are 45 minutes for the most part, and are either cardio-based, weights-based, or both (the classes that have both are 60 minutes). But basically you work through different circuits the entire time so the workout moves really quick and you’re never doing just one thing for too long. There’s also huge video screens on the walls that demonstrate each exercise, show how many reps, and countdown the time remaining. So it’s super easy to follow along. This is another great workout if you’re looking for a full-body option! Sadly, the ones in the RDU area aren’t part of class pass though!
Flywheel Whenever I do straight cardio, I either do my stair-master routine, speed walk on the treadmill (on an incline), or do a spin class like Flywheel. Flywheel has been great in terms of mixing up my cardio, and booking a class also helps keep me accountable. The energy is also great in the classes I go to and that makes a big difference staying motivated.
Mega Tramp So this class isn’t part of class pass but I wish it was!! I love this class so much. Before this class, I had no idea that bouncing around on mini trampolines for a workout was a thing, and that it would be such a good workout. I don’t make it here a ton because it’s a little more expensive but whenever I go I always have an amazing workout and leave in such a good mood. It’s just a fun class that kicks your ass like no other. Honestly, I would do this class multiple times a week if I could–I don’t think I’d ever get tired of it.
Title Boxing Another workout that is killer. Title has classes that are both boxing and kickboxing. Both are incredible workouts and you will leave drenched in sweat! The biggest difference IMO is that boxing is more focused on (boxing) techniques and upper body work, and kickboxing is more focused on getting in a full-body workout. Title is on class pass, but if you’re looking to learn how to actually box, I really recommend booking classes with Randy at @knuckleupraleigh. He is awesome. You will get in an incredible workout and actually learn how to box.
Are you team workout class or gym? I never thought I’d be so into the workout classes but here we are! xxC
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