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My Beauty Routine Schedule

So I never thought to write about this topic, but recently a few of y’all have asked how often I go get XYZ done, and I realized that I’ve never really broken everything down. So that’s what we’re doing today!

Moisturize – I alternate between this Whipped Argan Oil Body Butter from Josie Maran (in the sweet citrus scent) and Tan Luxe Illuminating Butter.

Self Tan
– I use the tan luxe drops (body in medium/dark) for my face and body. This is the best self-tanner I’ve found. I put it on at night before bed (I like mixing it with this lotion) and it lasts for a solid week. It doesn’t transfer, doesn’t smell, isn’t sticky, etc. It is also non-toxic and cruelty-free. My whole tanning routine (even how I tan my hands) is saved on my self-tanner highlight.

Shaving – Since I’ve been having laser hair removal sessions, I definitely don’t shave as often. So this falls into the 1x a week category.

Every 2 weeks
Manicure – Every 2 weeks, I get a gel manicure. One week I get a full manicure, and then next week I just get a polish change.

Eyelashes – This is a service I could push until 3 weeks but I love my lashes really full and dense. So I usually go every 2 weeks like clockwork 😉 I see Kevie at @eyecandylashbar (use my name as a referral & get $25 off your first full set).

Hair Mask – Every couple weeks I use this hair mask from Virtue. A little bit goes a long way (use it instead of your conditioner), and your hair feels like liquid gold after!

Every 2 months
Dermaplaning + Facial – This is a more recent add-on. I used to get facials about every 3 months but since adding on dermaplaning I typically get one that the same time so they (will) be more frequent. You can get dermaplaning closer to every month but I’ll end up going every couple. You can read about my dermaplaning experience here. Ps. Can use my name for a referral and get 10% off your service.

Laser Hair Removal – So this is dependent on what I’m/you’re getting lasered, but for my legs, I go every 2 montshs (I do go every month for under my arms though). I see Ashley at @thelotuspa.

Pedicure – I feel like I don’t really care about pedicures too much — well I should say this, I love getting them but I care way more abut my manicures. I/other people see my hands everyday so I’d rather spend money on manicures frequently and get pedicures less often.

Every 3 months
Botox – Unfortunately I have to get botox every 12 weeks like clockwork — my body metabolizes it pretty quickly. PS. I’m actually going to try getting Dysport instead next time to see if that lasts longer for me so I’ll keep you guys posted.

Haircut & color – This varies slightly depending on what I’m doing with my hair, but I would say every 3 months is a good average for a cut and color touch up!

Microblading – I’ve had my eyebrows microbladed for several years now and I could never go back! I go see @natasha.abe every 8-12 months for a my touch up.

Lip Filler – So I just got lip filler for the first time 3 months ago so it’s hard to say how often I’ll really need this, but filler typically lasts close to a year so I’m filing this under the yearly category!

I think that covers everything! Wow, guys have it easy I’m realizing looking over this list LOL! But anyway, let me know if you feel like there is something I missed. Ps. Here is a roundup of the parts of my beauty routine I’d prioritize on a budget.

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